What is ABEABC?

We are a network of people committed to providing high quality learning opportunities for adults desiring high school completion or upgrading for post-secondary or career pathways. As educators who support one another, we share resources and offer professional development targeted toward the ABE educator with opportunities for publication and presentation as well.

We host an annual conference bringing ABE educators to present, recharge, network, and learn together. Conference fees are discounted for ABEABC members.

Is ABEABC membership for me?

Membership in the ABEABC is open to you if you are involved in:

  • Community Literacy Programming
  • Indigenous Adult Education
  • Community Tutoring
  • English as an Additional Language
  • Workplace literacy
  • Correctional Institution Programs
  • Adult Dogwood and University Preparation
  • School District Alternate Programming for Adults
  • Continuing Education
  • Anywhere ABE is supported or accessed

How do I join?

Fill out and submit the membership application form below. Then make a payment via e-transfer to info@abeabc.ca or by cheque made out to ABEABC and mail it to the address in the footer.

Organizational memberships are also available.


  • Membership fees include access to Groundwork, the trade publication of the ABEABC.
  • Invoice is available upon request. Membership fees and donations are tax deductible.